Transforming communities
Telecom Foundation vision is to be trailblazer for smart and digital education in Pakistan. The foundation is in the process of transforming its countrywide schools into smart and digital schools.

Google Coding Skills Development Program
Ministry of IT & Telecom collaborated with Google to launch Pakistan's first grassroots level Coding Skills Development Program, which was based on the CS First Program of Google (a global initiative for coding skills). The aim of the program was to develop applied coding skills using gamification techniques for kids between 9 and 14 years of age.
Astronomy Labs
Telecom Foundation School System is bringing state-of -the-art AstroBots™ Astronomy Labs to Pakistan for the first time

Google CS First
Initially Cohorts of 200 students and 60 teachers were given Training on Google CS First from Singapore & Local Teams on TOT basis. This ongoing Training has enabled the students to learn coding and earn money by uploading on Amazon and on other clouds